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Kitab Hidayatus Salik - A Guide to the Sufis (Volume 1) {translated as} The Happy Path: An Introduction to the Sufi Pathology by the Sufi Sheikh Abu Bakr Siraj Al-Din Wali Allah al-Farra'i (d. 1348) There is an abundance of spiritual guidance available for seekers in this digital age. Although many books are readily available, the problem is many of them are also outdated and do not reflect the recent developments in spirituality. The Kitab Hidayatus Salik - A Guide to the Sufis will give you up-to-date information on some of the more effective practices that can easily be applied to your daily life right now. The Sufis call this guidance "Ba'aliyyah-e-Dawaat" which means 'the pathway of guidance.' In today's society, people are in search of a better life, not only for themselves but also for their family and community. The Kitab Hidayatus Salik - A Guide to the Sufis will help you find your way to a better life with no strings attached. The book was previously translated into English by Shamsi Ali in 2 parts: A Step by Step Guide to Sufism and The Happy Path: An Introduction to the Sufi Pathology. It is a short, simple and easy to read book that any seeker can easily understand. I have also translated the book into Urdu so you can have a copy in your mother-tongue too. Just click on the image to order your copy of the book. The Happy Path: An Introduction to the Sufi Pathology by Sheikh Abu Bakr Siraj al-Din Wali Allah al-Farra'i (d. 1348) Kitab Hidayatus Salik - A Guide to the Sufis (Volume 1) {translated as} The happy path: an introduction to the sufi pathology by Sheikh Abu Bakr Siraj al-Din Wali Allah al-Farra'i (d. 1348) Translation and Editing: Dr. Saher Price: 10$ (shipping included) You can purchase the book by paying through paypal. Click on the below button to visit our site where you can order your copy of the book. There you will be given the option to buy different type of soft-copies and hard-copies of this book in different languages. You can search for a nearby bookstore by entering your city or country in the following online stores: Find a nearby bookstore or or or or Bibliofinde r . cfa1e77820